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Advisor, TribaLights

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Brian Christensen is the founder of Blockcities™, an up and coming property technology company developing a platform to enable individuals anywhere in the world to invest across multiple asset classes including real estate, managed agriculture and renewable energy assets. The platform will provide access to investments in physical assets, fractionalized to lower the barrier to entry while providing access to on-demand diversification.

Brian's background encompasses over a decade of experience investing in real estate, with additional disciplines in product development, software development, e-commerce and online marketing.


Previously a seminar speaker for various shows on HGTV & DIY Network's investment platforms, his experience with income producing assets provides a unique foundation with the acquisition and stabilization of income-producing assets.

Brian has taken this experience and is applying it towards bringing about a sustainable future by supporting resource producing assets in agriculture, hemp, renewable energy and alternative forms of housing.

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