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Advisor, TribaLights

Taita Cesar Lezama_edited_edited.png

Taita Cesar Lezama was born and raised in the Putumayo jungle in Colombia.

His parents are from the indigenous tribes of the Coreguaje and Soberucos. At the age of 6 years Taita Cesar started his path of working with the powerful Yagé (Ayahuasca) medicine, and by bringing this medicine to people outside of Colombia he has helped to change many lives


Taita Cesar Holds traditional healing ceremonies as it has been done for generations in the jungle. His training and experience exceeds 17 years bringing the wisdom of the natives in the Amazon jungle, the plants and the traditional practices to the rest of the world.

Cesar is now a widely respected leader in his community with hopes to raise awareness about the rain forrest and the importance of its conservatio

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